It’s Off To The Gym I Go
I bought a new purse last night at The Bay. I was tired of dragging around the huge monstrosity that the saleswoman at Reitmans badgered me into buying in Oct/Nov. The damn thing broke this morning, not even 24 hours after it was bought! I am not impressed, it was $40! I now have to run home at lunch and grab the tags, which thankfully didn’t go into the garbage bag that went out to collection last night! I have the receipts on me, but to prove that the purse I am showing them that broke is indeed the purse I bought without tags…well I don’t want the hassle.
I have 3 patches of impetigo on my face, I thought I lucked out with only two patches but I found a new patch this morning when I was wondering what was on the side of my nose and I think I have another coming out at the top of my cheek bone. I am a vision of beauty I tell ya :P I think Biaxin will be required to stop any further outbreaks. Ah well, once they are gone I will still have a tan. Hopefully they won’t look too bad when I got to Jeff’s on Saturday. We switched our normal together time to Saturday from Sunday because of the Super Bowl.
My gym bag is packed! I will go after work. I’m kind of excited, how goofy is that?
Notes to Self
Buy: laundry detergent!
Appt: 1pm Sat, cut and a few foils
Purse exchanged for a non-broken one :)